Calling all Silver Shadows & SY Models – 60th Anniversary Event in 2025

16 & 17th August 2025

Brooklands Museum

2025 marks the 60th anniversary of the Silver Shadow, one of the most pivotal and successful cars in Rolls-Royce history.  As a Shadow owner I have always been fascinated by the 1970s advertising shot of 100 Silver Shadows (illustrated here), taken by Rolls-Royce on a closed section of motorway – at the time the most expensive advertising shot in UK history. The significance of 100 was that this represented a month’s production at Crewe.

My aim for the 60th anniversary is to recreate this iconic image with 100 Silver Shadows, and at the same time, gather the largest number of Silver Shadows in one place since that ‘70s photo was taken.

Save The Dates – 16 & 17th August 2025

We at the Middlesex Section are organising a celebratory weekend at Brooklands Museum, Surrey on the weekend of 16th & 17th August 2025. The event will be open to all owners of Rolls-Royce Silver Shadows and derivatives (SY models) – Bentley Ts, MPWs/Corniches, Camargues. Both RREC members and non-members too, so please spread the word.

Details of the programme are yet to be fully finalised but expect…

Saturday 16th August – The recreation of the iconic ‘100 Shadows’ shot on the finishing straight at Brooklands – open to all Rolls-Royce Silver Shadows, Shadow IIs, Bentley Ts, T2s, MPWs/Corniches, Carmargues.

In the evening we’re hoping to arrange a Black Tie celebration dinner in the historic Brooklands Members Clubhouse.

Sunday 17th August – We’re aiming to arrange a Silver Shadow and derivatives (SY models) celebratory ‘road run’, starting at Brooklands with a route through the Surrey Hills. 

To register your initial interest in attending this event, please email: with your name, full car details (marque, model, chassis number, year, colour) and if you would be interested in attending for a day or the full weekend. We will then contact you with further details.

Thank you.

Michael Marshall-Clarke

Director – RREC Ltd

Committee Member – Middlesex Section

Owner SRH 20091 and DRH 12349